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This brings together 29 of the best articles from Fine Homebuilding magazine. Articles cover ductwork and housewrap to building efficient fireplaces and storm windows. In addition there is information on what home-owners and builders can do to improve energy efficiency in older homes. REGULAR $14.95 OUR PRICE $12.00. You save 19%.
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This is a completely updated and revised edition. This has expanded infor- mation, new, full color photos, and updates on technological advances in finishing. The focus is on finishes that amateur woodworkers and finishers use. Included is good coverage on spray finishing and waterbased finishes as well as amusing "Finishing Tales" and a question and answer section.
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Benjamin designed this work as a practical handbook for architects and carpenters. It was largely responsible for the Greek Revival style which spread throughout the East. This is a basic text for the period and presents designs for windows, columns, fences, vases, balusters, shutters, moldings, staircases, and much more. This was a very influential book in its day.
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A thorough introduction, covering both miniature objects (scaled down reproductions of full-sized works) and small turnings. Includes how to season and store wood, choose the appropriate tools, make some tools, in short, everything you need to know to get started.
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How do I turn rings? What's the best way to chuck spoons? Woodturning Methods guides you through a host of special techniques which have not been brought together before. Various chapters explore chucking, spindle turning, turning slender spindles, turning spheres, eccentric turning, multi-axis turning, turning ellipses and drilling in the lathe. Mr. Darlow was the owner of a woodturning business for many years.