$24.95 $14.97 |
This is an efficient workstation. The desktop slides out from the top unit and the keyboard is contained in the false drawer front. The unit is constructed wit h rails and stiles with raised panels. Top and lower section are two pieces. 76"H X 66"W x 25"D. Intermediate to advanced.
$8.95 $5.37 |
Ages four to eight. Working steering mechanism and dump box. Petal-powered. Traceable pieces. 4 feet long by 2 feet wide.
$19.95 $11.97 |
The companion to "The Nature and Art of Workmanship" this is a highly recommended book. Pye investigates form and function. Are they related? Does form ever follow function? Pye wrote a penetrating, lucid work that should be read by anyone working in the crafts. It is a basic theory of design and design is virtually everywhere and impacts our lives constantly. REGULAR $19.95 OUR PRICE $15.95. You save 20%.
$16.95 $10.17 |
This four drawer chest has a strong Federal influence. You can make modifications to the base and change the chest to many styles to meet today's changing decors. Each of the drawers has a cockbead and our plans detail the installation. Skill level Beginner/Intermediate Size: 38" high 38" wide and 20" deep.
$14.95 $8.97 |
Complete, simple manual for repairing and installing every piece of plumbing in your home. More than 500 photos and drawings show how to fix leaky faucets, balky toilets, clogged drains and traps—and even how to install hot-water and steam-heating systems.
$12.95 $7.77 |
Over 1500 handsome illustrations of ornamental ironwork in the architecture of Bordeaux. Depicted are balconies, gates, grilles, stair railings, door knobs and door knockers.