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10 H x 19 W x 9 D. Includes a hidden key storage feature.
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Inside this Package: Professionally drawn architectural plans, including structural details Step by step instructions for the Do-It-Yourself builder Detailed materials list for each dimension Help line for expert advice Design Features: Elegant design adapts to multi-seasonal use Plans for three different sizes included: 9, 12, and 16 Meets or exceeds UBC building code requirements Many options to personalize this gazebo to suit your needs.
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Everyone finds our aquatic family simply "Ribbeting." Patterned parts cut out easily and fit together notch to notch. In a short hop you'll have the entire family painted and essembled. With mom and dad standing 26" TALL and the little leapers at 9" TALL, you'll have no trouble finding a home for them in your yard.
$1.00 $190.00 |
"A valuable work breaking entirely new ground; as one eminent turner remarked, Robinson has something the others hadn't got." (See entry in A Bibliography of the Art of Turning by Abell, Leggat and Ogden). 1906 E.F. Spon, London.
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The most complete reference ever. For the architect, woodworker, and builder. 100's of designs in color and 15 how to mantel patterns to build in your home workshop.
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"Directions for taking dimensions, abstracting the same, and bringing the quantities into bill: with tables of constants.....bricklayer and slater, carpenter and joiner, sawyer, stone mason, plasterer, paper-hanger, plumber, smith and ironmonger, painter and glazier". Signatures uncut. Very interesting work for contractors to use in estimating jobs.