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Solid information on how to obtain custom furniture. Details 125 custom furniture makers including payment and shipping policies, web sites, contact information, etc. Over 500 photos showcase work by these makers. Indexes by geographic location, furniture style and name of maker are included. This is a terrific guide and an inspiring book of ideas for interior designers, cabinetmakers, and artists.
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More than 70 examples of contemporary chair design worldwide. Chairs by top world designers and by up-and-coming designers are spotlighted. Chairs that knock down, stack in imaginative ways, chairs impossible to imagine before computer-aided design, and even chairs that push the traditional concept of utility are all presented. Includes concept drawings, manufacturing details, and insights into the creative process in the designers' own words.
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This new book expands on the techniques covered in "Shaping Wood" Item 9-289. It covers joinery relating to 18th century furniture styles, as well as the techniques required to complete ornate period pieces. Aimed specially at the period furniture builder.
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This is the only book that we know of that covers this style of furniture. Designs for 16 pieces produced between 1100 and 1500 are offered by the author. Complete step-by-step instructions, materials lists, and notes on woodworking, metalworking, and finishes provide the means for creating accurate reproductions. Projects include a bench, wall hanging, desk, chair, table, chest, bed, door, and others.
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Affordable, attractive, and timeless furniture for the home is made possible with this project guide that includes 32 easy-to-build classic country pieces, from small candle boxes and footstools, to a large Amish wardrobe and corner cupboard. With basic woodworking skills, a modest workshop, and a trip to the local lumberyard, builders are ready to use the detailed plans, exploded diagrams, and complete cut and dimension lists to reproduce beautiful designs that have endured for hundreds of years and are still wildly popular.
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The era of Sheraton, Chippendale, and the great American cabinetmakers was a vibrant age of design and innovation. This book looks at Chippendale, Queen Anne, Federal and other periods, and styles. Included are projects such as a Pembroke table, highboy, Chippendale stool, Sheraton bed along with a discussion on various techniques and design problems. There is a gallery of inspiration included with explanatory text. Regular $24.95 Special $19.95